
1. Performanz
2. Lesbarkeit
3. Frames
4. Seitenlänge
5. Orientierung
6. Navigation
7. Seitenfuß
8. Hyperlinks
9. Konsistenz
10. URLs

10 wichtige Leitlinien für die Gestaltung von ergonomischen WWW-Informationssystemen



Mic Bowman, Peter Danzig, Darren Hardy, Udi Manber, Michael Schwartz, Venkata Padmanabhan, Jeffrey Mogul
The Harvest information discovery and access system
in: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Selected Papers from the Second WWW Conference, Volume 28, Numbers 1&2, 1995, S. 119-125

Vannevar Bush
As We May Think
Erschienen in: The Atlantic Monthly, July 1945
Nachdruck in: Interactions, Vol. III.2, 1996, S. 35 ff

Wolfgang Dalitz, Gernot Heyer
Hyper-G: Das Internet-Informationssystem der 2.Generation
dpunkt-Verlag für digitale Technologie (Heidelberg) 1995

Edmund Eberleh, Horst Oberquelle, Reinhard Opperman (Hrsg.)
Einführung in die Software-Ergonomie, 2.Auflage
Gestaltung graphisch-interaktiver Systeme: Prinzipien, Werkzeuge, Lösungen
Walter de Gruyter (Berlin) 1994

Franz Hauck
Supporting hierarchical guided tours in the World Wide Web
in: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Proceedings of the Fifth WWW Conference, Volume 28, Numbers 7-11, 1996, S. 1233-1242

Gary Hill, Wendy Hall, Dave de Roure, Les Carr
Applying Open Hypertext Principles to the WWW
in: S. Fraïssé, F. Garzotto, T. Isakowitz, J. Nanard, M. Nanard (Eds.), Workshops in Computing - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hypermedia Design
Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg) 1995, S. 174 ff

William Horton
Designing and Writing Online Documentation - Help Files to Hypertext
John Wiley & Sons (New York) 1990

Keith Instone
HCI and the Web
SIGCHI Bulletin 28, 4 (October 1996) ACM Press (New York) 1996, S. 42-45

Kirsten Jones
nif-T-nav: A hierarchical navigator for WWW pages
in: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
Proceedings of the Fifth WWW Conference
Volume 28, Numbers 7-11, 1996, S. 1345-1353

Laura M. Leventhal, Barbee M. Teasley, Keith Instone, Diane Schertler Rohlman, John Farhat
Sleuthing in HyperHolmes: An evaluation of using hypertext vs. a book to answer questions
in: Behaviour and Information Technology No. 3 , Vol. 12, 1993, S. 149-164

Gary Marchionini, Ben Shneiderman
Finding Facts vs. Browsing in Hypertext Systems
in: IEEE Computer, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1988, S. 70-80

Jakob Nielsen, Darrell Sano
SunWeb: User interface design for Sun Microsystem's internal Web
in: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Selected Papers from the Second WWW Conference, Volume 28, Numbers 1&2, 1995, S. 179-188

Jakob Nielsen
Hypertext and Hypermedia
Academic Press Professional (Cambridge, Massachusetts) 1993

Jakob Nielsen
Multimedia and Hypertext The Internet and Beyond
Academic Press Professional (Cambridge, Massachusetts) 1995

Jenny Preece
A Guide To Usability Human Factors in Computing
Addison-Wesley (Workingham, England) 1993

G. Robertson, D. McCracken, A. Newell
The ZOG Approach to Man-Machine Communication
Department of Computer Science
Carnagie Mellon University (Pittsburgh) 1979

Martin Scheller, Klaus-Peter Boden, Andreas Geenen, Joachim Kampermann
Internet: Werkzeuge und Dienste Von "Archie" bis "World Wide Web"
Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York) 1994

Ben Shneiderman
Refelctions on Authoring, Editing and Managing Hypertext
in: E. Barrett (Ed.)
The Society of Text
MIT Press (Cambridge, Massachusetts) 1989, S. 115-131

Ben Shneiderman, G. Kearsley
Hypertext Hands-On An Introduction to a New Way of Organizing and Accessing Information
Addisond Wesley (Reading Massachusetts) 1989

Ben Shneiderman
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, 2. Auflage
Addison Wesley (Reading Massachusetts) 1992

Simon Buckingham Shum
The Missing Link: Hypermedia Usability Research & The Web
SIGCHI Bulletin Vol. 28, No. 4, 1996, S. 68-75

Arja Vainio-Larsson
Hypermedia and Human-Computer Interaction
LIBLAB Research Report 88:1, Linköping University (Denmark), 1988

Arja Vainio-Larsson
Hypermedia, a Vision for Human-Computer Interaction
LIBLAB Research Report 89:2, Linköping University (Denmark), 1989

Niegel Woodhead
Hypertext and Hypermedia, Theory and Applications
Addison-Wesley (Workingham, England) 1991

Mountaz Zizi
Providing Maps To Support The Early Stage Of Design Of Hypermedia Systems
in: S. Fraïssé, F. Garzotto, T. Isakowitz, J. Nanard, M. Nanard (Eds.)
Workshops in Computing - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hypermedia Design
Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg) 1995 , S. 93 ff


Tim Berners-Lee
Style Guide for Online Hypertext
World Wide Web Consortium 1995

Susanne Fitkau, Holger Maaß
Ausgewählte Ergebnisse der elften W3B-Umfrage
W3B Hamburg, 2000

Keith Instone
Usable Web: Guide to Web usability resources
Eine umfangreiche und aktuelle Sammlung von Links auf Dokumente zum Thema Web-Usability

Patrick J. Lynch
Web Style Manual
Yale Center for Advanced Instructional Media, 1995
(Deutsche Übersetzung von akademie.de)

Jacob Nielsen, Darrell Sano
User Interface Design for Sun Microsystem's Internal Web (Mirror)
Sun Microsystems, 1996

Jakob Nielsen
Alertbox: Current Issues in User Interface Design
Besonders empfohlen seien hier Mr. Nielsens 10 Tips: Ten Good Deeds in Web Design.

Jim Pitkow & Colleen Kehoe
GVU's WWW User Surveys
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1997

Stefan Scheurer
WWW-Style-Guide (Server down?)
WWW-Style-Guide (Mirror)
Hochschule für Druck und Medien Stuttgart, 1996


Erstellt: Juni-September 1997
Letzte Änderung: Montag, 26-Mar-2001 durch Harald Weinreich
